Spot Bitcoin ETF Volume Surpassing Exchanges Forecasting Upcoming August Volatility

Spot Bitcoin ETF Volume Surpassing Exchanges Forecasting Upcoming August Volatility

Currently the daily trading volume of the spot bitcoin etfs is beating the spot bitcoin trading volume on exchanges the likes of even Coinbase.

This happens at a time where Dev Guru Jupiter is transiting 3rd from Mars. The 3rd position relates to effort and brave acts and it also relates to trading.

Mangal Mars is the General of the Army of the Gods and generates competition on the Earth plane.

Jupiter expands because of His pulling nature; He pulls out and in this way expands an individual or an entity.

However the combination of Mars and Jupiter consistently creates macro bullish catalysts, especially when Sun is involved. So as an Astrologer what I notice from this is that the increased volume due to the ETFs is almost like a sign of a bigger effect taking place that will kind of accumulate into itself like a storm. 

I especially see that starting in August especially mid-August of this year, the amount of volatility in bitcoin spot is going to suddenly increase drastically and it’s because of the accumulating or increasing volume due to ETF traders. It’s almost like a giant beast which will start moving in a much more impressive fashion starting mid-August.


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